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"Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world."
Babe Ruth
For some, baseball is something they have been passionate about all of their lives. It starts with the smallest seed and grows to be something that is hard to explain but it shows at even the mention of the word baseball!
We are pretty sure there is someone you know that would appreciate a baseball-themed project. Maybe the local little league team, semi-pro league or even the couch player that just loves the game.
Baseball themed door plaques, awards or just a piece to remember that pinnacle game that was won by a single run in the last inning. Keep those memories alive!
We have designed a few neat features into this mini-project that will make it even easier to use and re-use. These features include:
- Home plate, baseball shirt and medal ribbon that can be easily v-carved.
- The sports plaque has a flat bottom so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model.
- The sports medal ribbon has a flat area in the center of the medal so you can add in any sports logo or icon.
You'll be sure to hit a "grandslam" with this mini-project.
Projects are available in three file types: V3M, STL and PNG.
You will be asked to choose the correct type for your software at the
Never lose your models again! Once a project has been purchased, members can log back in and
download to all three file types for no extra cost.
(Taxes may be applied at checkout)
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project are available to download from this link:
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