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Only Pops knows how to wield that chisel-like they did in the old days. That's right, no need for those new fangled CNC machines. All ya needed was a saw, sharp chisel, and a mallet and you could make just about anything Grandma needed.
This project is a nod to the old ways of building a timber home or making a rocking horse. You know the time before anyone ever thought of a CNC machine or new what a 1/8" ballnose end mill was. These old school tools are still important to have in the shop just in case technology fails you... and that never happens... right?
We have designed a few neat features into this project that will make it even easier to use and reuse. These features include:
- The Shop Sign accepts v-carving or even the addition of raised text.
- The Wood Shavings have been modeled so with a slight tilt it will merge onto the blade end of the Wood Chisel perfectly.
- The Timber Truss will merge perfectly onto the top of the Shop Sign.
- Shop Sign has a flat bottom so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model.
Have you been holding off making that new shop sign? No excuses now that we have added this set of new models into the Pop's Tool Shop series of projects.
Projects are available in three file types: V3M, STL and PNG.
You will be asked to choose the correct type for your software at the
Never lose your models again! Once a project has been purchased, members can log back in and
download to all three file types for no extra cost.
(Taxes may be applied at checkout)
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project are available to download from this link:
Fonts used:
Book Antiqua
Palatino Linotype