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The Hair Shop No.1

"What's said in the Barber Shop,
Stays in the Barber Shop"

The Hair Shop No.1

Some say that a trip to get a haircut is just like going to therapy. The things you say to your barber or hair stylist are never to be repeated and the advice you get from them comes from all the experiences of their clients before you. Not a bad deal is it, and you get a haircut to boot!

From big cities to small villages there is someone nearby that is cutting hair right now and is probably in the market for a nice-looking sign to draw in new customers. This project is perfect for creating a sign layout for your neighborhood barber or basement hair stylist. Maybe there is someone at your local market creating handmade grooming products who could use a unique packaging idea to really add value to their offering. A shaving box lid, for a shaving cup, or even a custom shaving brush and razor holder... lots of great ideas for this project!

We have included two clean vector outlines so you can embellish your layout with some quick VCarving (they will be installed with your .V3M files or will be included in your Zip file). There is also a mustache and flourish vector that can be used to really create something special!

If you can't trust your barber, then who can you trust?

"If you can't trust your barber then who can you trust?

Get this project now!

Projects are available in three file types: V3M, STL and PNG. You will be asked to choose the correct type for your software at the checkout.

Never lose your models again! Once a project has been purchased, members can log back in and download to all three file types for no extra cost.

The Hair Shop No.1 - $35.00 USD

(Taxes may be applied at checkout)

Hack this Project!

Barber Shop Sign

This "Barber Shop Sign" layout was made using models from the following projects:

Make this hack yourself by adding all the projects used to your basket!

The Hair Shop No.1 project contains the following models and project sheet.

To get you started on your next weekend project we have included this assembled layout.

The Hair Shop No.1

Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.

Food for thought.
Ideas for other combinations of this project.

In case you need...

The vector outlines for all of the models in this project are available to download from this link:


In case you wanted to know...

Fonts used:

  • Candara

  • Palatino Linotype

  • lucida handwriting

  • Oklahoma

  • sitka banner