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Aye, aye, Captain!! Let's make your next CNC project seaworthy!
Living near the coast or love to sail? How about the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves? Do you have family in the Navy or friends who own their own sailboat? This just might be the perfect mini-project to float their boat!
We have designed a few neat features into this mini-project that will make it even easier to use and re-use. These features include:
- Cabin plaque and banner that accepts v-carving or even the addition of raised text.
- The plaque has a flat bottomed dished center so it will accept almost any model and will also let you get the most "Z" depth out of the added model.
Put away that mop, and get that CNC doing what it was made to do... or we'll make you walk the plank!
Projects are available in three file types: V3M, STL and PNG.
You will be asked to choose the correct type for your software at the
Never lose your models again! Once a project has been purchased, members can log back in and
download to all three file types for no extra cost.
(Taxes may be applied at checkout)
Project Sheet - Click to enlarge.
The vector outlines for all of the models in this project are available to download from this link:
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